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Our Overview

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It truly is an understatement to say our country needs revival. Lost sinners stand in desperate need of redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ. The need is also great for many Christians to be stirred out of their cold apathy to spiritual usefulness. These tasks cannot be accomplished apart from the power and strength of God’s hand. It is my desire to join you to meet these overwhelming needs.


The Lord has given me the privilege to serve Him in evangelism since 2011, and I rejoice in the wonderful opportunities the Lord has given to preach and see God work. Tim Tilley Ministries’ mission statement is:


1. To exalt God and the character of Jesus Christ 

2. To stir believers to spiritual usefulness and separated Christian living

3. To promote the gospel through preaching to lost sinners 

4. To support and serve pastors in their God given responsibilities 


I am available for camps, retreats, revival services, youth rallies, conferences, pulpit fillings (short and long term), Christian School Rallies and Chapels. My wonderful wife, Claudette, serves alongside of me as wife, homemaker, and mother. To date God has blessed us with four beautiful daughters, three sons-in-law and five wonderful grandchildren.  We were commissioned and sent out of our home church, Fundamental Baptist Church in Castle Rock, Colorado.  Together we are excited to see God’s power not only in our marriage but also in our ministry. 


I would be thrilled to hear from you about the possibility of ministering with you for God’s glory. May God bless and guide as you faithfully serve to exalt Him and expand His kingdom. 

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